Why benchmarking is a Turkish coffee for Pakistan industries?

Business benchmarking and essence of Turkish coffee have very much in common. It is written in the golden books of history that when Turkish coffee was embraced by Ottoman Empire than chaos broke out. By enabling the establishment of cafes throughout an empire. Emperor provided an opportunity to rebels and revolutionary minds to be on […]

Harnessing The Power Of Data In Industry

“Our lives revolve around the data” Albert Einstein What comes to one’s mind over the word “Data”? Data is a nucleus of business, a heart of process, blessing in a disguise for any industry seeking leap of improvement & sustainability. Everything around us in the charming universe is either generating data or being put in […]

How to stand out on social media as an entrepreneur

The only thing constant, in the world of business, is change. Today with the massive inventory of social media at hand, entrepreneurs are changing the conventional way of doing things. From being a blunt marketer to pitching an idea to the potential prospect, social media tools have got everything covered in 2017. Amidst the hype […]

How business revolution is shaping the future

From the ancient books of history till today’s modern world, business revolution has been making dent ever since. Unfolding the civilization & warfare books will shed a light over the refinement of mankind vision & strategic maneuvers. It is said that one of the greatest conqueror in the world, who forged the shape of new […]

Integrating Lean Six Sigma with Process Automation

When the grandson of Genghis khan had to strike down an annoying resisting castle in old China, than Marco Polo helped him in coming up with an earlier concept of Catapult to automate the process of throwing stone at the castle’s wall. It won’t be wrong to call catapult, a lean six sigma of that […]

How process improvement can save the organizations from a rainy day?

Every phenomenon in the nature is in constant state of evolution. From the shifting of weatherly times to the oceans melting, each entity is embracing the process shift in its own state. Mankind has been trying to grip these multi-dimensional processes by altering the inputs today for a better output tomorrow, creating an aroma of […]

How to stimulate exports of pakistan industry?

Life is hard. Whether it’s personal effectiveness or business growth, it isn’t a cup of cake to strengthen the balance sheet at a consistent level in the long run. Constant buzzing of competitors, on the market, keeps the managerial board at the brink of hustling. In such scenarios organisations, especially in Pakistan,  must embrace the […]

Why i spent 1 Million on Personal Training?

“Empty the coin in your purse & your purse will fill your purse with coins” World is changing. Life is having a simplification reform in terms of technological advancements & training reform. It has been a trait of mankind to create as much easiness, no matter what the surrounding is, as possible. In doing so, […]

TRIZ: Curvy thinking paradigm for problem solving

The metamorphosed environment of today’s industrial world has made it clear, that , only an organization or individual adaptable to changes, willing to transform the processes as per global metrics can withstand the envisioning era of disruption. Many global giants are on their way to become a bigger behemoth while the other medium enterprises are […]

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