How process improvement can save the organizations from a rainy day?

Every phenomenon in the nature is in constant state of evolution. From the shifting of weatherly times to the oceans melting, each entity is embracing the process shift in its own state. Mankind has been trying to grip these multi-dimensional processes by altering the inputs today for a better output tomorrow, creating an aroma of process improvement. Once a famous philosopher, Charles Darwin, said;

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent,

but the one most responsive to change”

In simple words, no matter what state one is in, if it is not going to change with the passage of time than one is going to be buried in the books of history, e.g.: If mankind had not learned to craft the molten swords & wheel accessories, do you think human would have been able to survive the dinosaurs era”?. Similarly, most of the top 100 organizations in 1900’s times are no more today. Why? Because they were not receptive to process improvement. (Change)


In the today’s disruptive industrial environment, it is clear for the global economies, that in order to survive in upcoming times they must have massive cash flows in their systems. World leading nations are generating massive output with the help of industrial exports & carving up the channels for fueling this war at high spectrum. Let us have a look over some most narrated subjected examples;


  • With the Henry Ford disruption of automobile assembly, the time when Ford was producing 7000 cars/day, Toyota was standing at the rate of 45 cars/day. (Because of sophistication of LEAN PROCESS)


  • Motorola gave birth to one of the most sophisticated process improvement technique “Six Sigma”. After imparting it in its process, Motorola invited global players to discuss the fundamentals of this technique. Today many companies are practicing the subjected tool but where the heck is Motorola today, itself? (Vanished because of cut-throat competition)


  • Nobody ever had a need for iPod or iPhone but Apple made the history with the greatest revolution in the cell phone history. By introducing the touch & type with the high capability specifications, today Nokia (global payer of that time) is out of the market.


  • In the race of search engines, Google came at 18th number at the time of its launch. Today with a parent company’s worth or more than 300 billion dollars, Google is leading the game of internet, while all others competitors fade away. (Disruption)


  • Mercedes Company, once invested some money to save Telsa from going bankrupt. Today the market shares of tesla are giving a tough time to the benefactor company by producing the electronic-driven cars. (Revolutionary Disruption)


  • Key global players like: Nike, Unilever, Toyota, 3M, Caterpillar etc. are executing the methodologies for minimizing the process or production coast by the diminishing of wastages from the system. Robotic process automation with an integration of internet of things & lean six sigma is being delis for business processes management


Debate can go on & one but the summarization of whole context till yet can be done as;


3D Process Improvement

After going through the eye-opening fundamentals, now we will be going through the brief 3D paradigm following which any industry can embark on the journey of process improvement. This paradigm can help any company to overcome its shortcomings while escalating the productivity.

In going through this shift, the integration of history tales along current industrial perspective will be discussed.

Capturing the low hanging fruits

Gradual-continuous improvement is better than exponential-one time advancement. Referencing to the slow & steady wins the race, today industry must strive to go after low hanging fruits first. It means management must decide the key short-term projects which can have an impact in the long-term vision policy.

From charting the flow diagrams to assigning the job description to each personnel against which their progress will be measured is a first step towards a log hike for improvement. By defining the proper roles & assigning the duty in the light of project, it is easy to keep everyone under the umbrella of achieving excellence. The most common tools for the subjected execution are Lean, Six Sigma, and PDCA. Etc.

Quoting the golden book of history, Mughal Emperor Akbar, used to mobilize his forces for small term victories around his empire. It is said that, although he was illiterate but he had a sharp vision of capturing the benefits of short victories. By keeping his army in constant motion & steady format, he carved out the biggest empire of Mughal dynasty in 40 years. Thus, celebrating the small victories can be helpful in reigniting the personnel passion & instill a hunger for more.


Empowerment & Valuetainment

“In future, leaders will be those, who will create more leaders”

Global market players has got a norm of enabling their employees to an optimal level by empowering them to take decisions, when necessary. When an employee is empowered than one feels more motivated and committed towards job. Today, Toyota has enabled even the line supervisors to stop the whole production line if any problem pops up during the process.

“What took you from A to B, won’t take you from B to C”

Likewise continuous trainings and educations programs must be exercised in an organizations to unleash the maximum of each employee. From the top management to the lower hierarchy, the system of training &development with the practical execution must be introduced. This valuetainment for the staff will play a key role not only in maintaining the good will of a company but as a catalyst in a drive towards excellence or process improvement.


“Those who think they can change the world, are the ones, who really do”

New innovation or thinking out of the box has its own weigh, when it comes to the corporate world. Today critical thinking has been attributed as a one of the most common skills recruiters seek in the induction process.

Nevertheless, industry must practice an idea of “Quality Circles” or “Out of the box circles” within its premises. Ideas are not the heritage of top manger only but also comes from the fore-front soldier of a company.

By deploying the brainstorming sessions like; “How we can increase the productivity” to “How to achieve breakthrough sales”, multiple ideas can come out of the targeted audience & can save the organizations from a rainy day.

TRIZ & Blue ocean strategy are by far the most practiced phenomenon in the industrial market. To ensure the constant process improvement, top management must carve out the at least 5 year plan and execute the content as per its capability factors.

From the history, a very famous example can be quoted in the Chinese dynasty. Once there was a general who was very brutal yet the very intelligent human being. His enemies were even afraid to go into a battle with him. One day, he was patrolling the premises with a very small number of soldiers & happened to reside in an abandoned village at night. The village was more close to enemy’s check post than his own. Village had very long walls & strong gate. Wise general sensed the opponent’s aim & asked his soldiers to hide in the village. When the opponent general came out in front of village with his forces than he was shocked to these the general standing on the top of wall while playing fife. Opponents general stopped his forces & thought of it as a track and said “How come is it possible the wisest general of all is playing fife at the top of wall? He is just trying to seduce us to attach him but we will not do so, as it’s a trap”. He then went back with his vast army. Next day, wise general went back to the city with his few soldiers in a calm manner.

This is how you can save the rainy day by thinking out of the box.


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