“Empty the coin in your purse & your purse will fill your purse with coins”
World is changing. Life is having a simplification reform in terms of technological advancements & training reform. It has been a trait of mankind to create as much easiness, no matter what the surrounding is, as possible. In doing so, people have always been trying to figure out the way of attaining perfection, regardless of the sector. From developing sharp & blazing swords to inventing nuclear bombs, humans have always been obsessed with a an evolutionary notions.Although, education plays an important role in opening new horizons of thinking in mankind but the continuous & consistent guidance (Trainings) along mentoring have always generated the biggest results of all.
Similarly, keeping in view the variation in between the intellectual and capability level of each person, it is indeed a matter of great responsibility to sublet an appropriate task as per one’s expertise. From the time of Henry Ford ,father of proper job ethics system, billions of dollars have been spent to gauge an employee’s capability level & enhancing it via “TRAINING system”. This is a reason, why multinational and global giants never hesitate to provide world in class training to their personnel , to help them becoming better subject matter experts while taking their career to a next level.
Personal Experience
Apart from the global factual entities, i can second the subject in the light of my own career. People usually call me too young to be a Business Consultant. They are of the view that years of corporate world can only give enough insight of tackling the issues rather than going in an entrepreneurship side in early twenties. Indeed, they are right, in the light of their own experiences. But now the industrial revolution system has embraced a new change. By far i have invested more than 1 million in mere training session (online or onsite) & have been engaged with multiple industrial sectors like; Oil & Gas, Textile, Sugar, Education, Casting, Automobile etc. I have practiced and implemented multiple learned techniques, while generating real time results.After working with multi-billionaires, i can surely assure you of one thing;
“Polished person sitting inside a luxury suite, having an army of employees, only care about how much you can put in his pocket, above than your age or background. If you have really got something in your hand & you can help him taking his business to a new cutting edge, than you are really going to be paid in HEAVY format“
What i have learned via trainings & being an Entrepreneur has been by far the biggest learning hub for me till yet. I knew, during my bachelors, about my goals in life & than started paving a path for being a best in class Businessman. Now i have global friends & mentors, networked via training sessions, who guide me in every single niche regarding business & consulting stuff. In the light of their experiences, i am now preparing myself for the next move.
Likewise, once in the book, i came across an astounding fact ,that, every samurai warrior holds necessary tools & techniques (methods/swords) along a legendary MENTOR to train him for every possible uncertainty. Thus, defying the importance of getting trained from the experienced pool of people just for saving few bucks, cannot take us to the WORLD CLASS Status.
Pakistan Education Statistics
Let us have a look at the general educated population of Pakistan, to discuss the subject further.
While looking at the graph, you would be amazed about how our literacy went down as the grades went higher. There are multiple reasons for this downstream curve but i am going to shed light over three basic norms.
Training is just a FAD
This is o e of the big dilemma of our society. We tend to prefer buying branded clothes than attending a seminar on emotional or time management issues.We live in a society where teachers are taken for granted & TV players & gamblers are envisioned as a role models. This Thing, in the long run, can destroy the potential of human being.
No Career Counseling
Unfortunately, we live in a state, where cramming is more endorsed than having a professional acumen in the business world. Many students are confused about what to do in their life due to an unavailability o no proper/authentic counseling cell. This vagueness in life give birth to what we call “INFERIOR COMPLEX & Self Depreciation”.
Hate towards Capitalism
Yes, this is one the basic reason why so many people gets confused about interpreting the meaning of capitalism. I have seen people who curse rich people at night while watching a movie in a cinema & than going to the office at 9 am of some rich titan, who GAVE HIM JOB. Look, the thing is there is a contradiction between what we do & what we perceive. This clash is giving birth to the ambiguity in the minds of an upcoming generation, which is not a good thing.
In the conjugation of my personal experience & global trends, it would not be wrong to say that;
“In order to survive upcoming cut throat competitive era, equip yourself with necessary tools & techniques before its too late”
P.S: It surely would have amazed some people, total amount of buck spent on trainings, . But the thing is, its a total investment of TIME, spent on reading books/attending seminars/paying for online sessions along Money which summed up to more than a million buck thing. So, “You too better start hustling”