Why benchmarking is a Turkish coffee for Pakistan industries?

Business benchmarking and essence of Turkish coffee have very much in common. It is written in the golden books of history that when Turkish coffee was embraced by Ottoman Empire than chaos broke out. By enabling the establishment of cafes throughout an empire. Emperor provided an opportunity to rebels and revolutionary minds to be on […]

How process improvement can save the organizations from a rainy day?

Every phenomenon in the nature is in constant state of evolution. From the shifting of weatherly times to the oceans melting, each entity is embracing the process shift in its own state. Mankind has been trying to grip these multi-dimensional processes by altering the inputs today for a better output tomorrow, creating an aroma of […]

KAIZEN:A Pursuit of Industrial Improvement

It’s no more a myth to the world, that TOYOTA has been a king in a domain of continuous process improvement. From the humble beginnings to becoming a behemoth of automobile sector in the world, all the success is attributed to the culture refining. Out of hundreds LEAN principle, let us have look today at […]

Business Process Optimization: Blessing in a Disguise for Pakistan

With an ending of craftsmanship era, human interaction along subsequent machinery has started making tides in increasing the productivity to meet customer demands. History testify that many big companies emerge out of small business owners like Bata & Toyota. So, why is there always a pursuit of improvement at the global level among industries at […]

Six Sigma: An Optimization Philosophy

Six Sigma is a well-structured, data-driven methodology aiming towards the elimination of variations, imparted due to product, processes or systems in all kinds of manufacturing, service delivery, management, and other business activities. To ensure the sustainable results, this methodology entails unique projects with defined sequences of steps and KPIs, which are generally quantified targets such […]

Finding an Optimization Project

The major setback which is faced by industries is in the form of dilemma, deciding which project must be of utmost optimization attention.Such issues create a sense of confusion and often leads to a thinking that LSS is just a myth which cannot be implemented in a real time scenario. One must be aware of […]

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