How to get started with business metrics utilization?

Analyzing business metrics  is pertinent to studying car dashboard, in a stormy weather. One needs to be aware of car’s fuel light, tire’s deterioration rate, engine maintenance, aesthetics, comfortable interior etc.  When all the anticipated standards are met, than one feel cozy in taking a car for a long ride. Similarly, in business one must […]

Why benchmarking is a Turkish coffee for Pakistan industries?

Business benchmarking and essence of Turkish coffee have very much in common. It is written in the golden books of history that when Turkish coffee was embraced by Ottoman Empire than chaos broke out. By enabling the establishment of cafes throughout an empire. Emperor provided an opportunity to rebels and revolutionary minds to be on […]

Importance of Lean Six Sigma in Engineering Projects

When it comes to operation excellence than lean six sigma holds major distinction, being a consolidation of lean philosophy principles & six sigma statistics. From tangible products to intangible services, documented evidence of industrial effectiveness is an advocate of subjected technique. With the attributes of either catering a specific project or developing organizational practice, flexibility […]

Why Engineering sector in Pakistan needs a revival?

With the inception of ground breaking inventions ranging from the healthcare to the engineering sector, world has embraced a new face of productivity enhancement. No matter what the area is, efforts are being made to incorporate the new ways of doing things which would add more value compared to the conventional norms being followed by […]

Disrupting the conventional engineering paradigm in Pakistan

In 1977, President of Digital Equipment Corporation, a pioneer computer company, said, “”There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their homes””. Astonishingly, that company does not exist anymore. Alike internet, computer paradox had given an inferior thoughts by many great minds of 90’s but today our world is being forged by the […]

Industrial Engineering: A Drive towards Excellence

The trend of the engineering world is shifting at a great paradigm. Everything is losing its basic preliminary value and is being customized on the road of betterment. Now, such innovation is led by curiosity, which has been an inborn trait of humans. To name a systematic approach of following a continuous improvement, I would […]

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