Harnessing The Power Of Data In Industry
“Our lives revolve around the data” Albert Einstein What comes to one’s mind over the word “Data”? Data is a nucleus of business, a heart of process, blessing in a disguise for any industry seeking leap of improvement & sustainability. Everything around us in the charming universe is either generating data or being put in […]
How process improvement can save the organizations from a rainy day?
Every phenomenon in the nature is in constant state of evolution. From the shifting of weatherly times to the oceans melting, each entity is embracing the process shift in its own state. Mankind has been trying to grip these multi-dimensional processes by altering the inputs today for a better output tomorrow, creating an aroma of […]
Data Types & Measurement Scales
Data Data is a sophisticated & factual base behind any information, without which no theory or prediction can hold any significant value. Example Global warming is increasing per year. (Vague information) Global warming is increasing at 0.25% rate per year. (Factual thing) Thus, data is a base of everything, as Albert Einstein beautifully crafted it […]
Finding an Optimization Project
The major setback which is faced by industries is in the form of dilemma, deciding which project must be of utmost optimization attention.Such issues create a sense of confusion and often leads to a thinking that LSS is just a myth which cannot be implemented in a real time scenario. One must be aware of […]