How to get started with business metrics utilization?

Analyzing business metrics  is pertinent to studying car dashboard, in a stormy weather. One needs to be aware of car’s fuel light, tire’s deterioration rate, engine maintenance, aesthetics, comfortable interior etc.  When all the anticipated standards are met, than one feel cozy in taking a car for a long ride. Similarly, in business one must […]

Why benchmarking is a Turkish coffee for Pakistan industries?

Business benchmarking and essence of Turkish coffee have very much in common. It is written in the golden books of history that when Turkish coffee was embraced by Ottoman Empire than chaos broke out. By enabling the establishment of cafes throughout an empire. Emperor provided an opportunity to rebels and revolutionary minds to be on […]

How SME’s businesses can move their cheese?

Unfortunately, most of traditional businesses regard competition as great ill luck. Competition is often regarded as a cheese which must not be used in savoring the delight of business. In doing so, we often forget that if it wasn’t for competition, than there would be no Apple or Samsung, Mercedes or BMW etc. Thus, when […]

How business revolution is shaping the future

From the ancient books of history till today’s modern world, business revolution has been making dent ever since. Unfolding the civilization & warfare books will shed a light over the refinement of mankind vision & strategic maneuvers. It is said that one of the greatest conqueror in the world, who forged the shape of new […]

How process improvement can save the organizations from a rainy day?

Every phenomenon in the nature is in constant state of evolution. From the shifting of weatherly times to the oceans melting, each entity is embracing the process shift in its own state. Mankind has been trying to grip these multi-dimensional processes by altering the inputs today for a better output tomorrow, creating an aroma of […]

How Future Leaders Conference took Multan by storm?

In an ancient times, there was a poor couple who used to live in a small house. Surprisingly, a man would spend his whole day reading books & history while woman used to work for some money. One day after getting tired, woman said to him “Why do you always keep reading these junk books […]

Theory of Constraints: Simplified

THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS It is a problem solving process which focuses on the elimination or streamlining of weakest link in the chain of processes. Usually the weakest link is constraining itself. The beauty of theory of constraints lies in a fundamental, stated as, “Overall process cannot be improved without entertaining the weakest link first”. It […]

Business Process Optimization: Blessing in a Disguise for Pakistan

With an ending of craftsmanship era, human interaction along subsequent machinery has started making tides in increasing the productivity to meet customer demands. History testify that many big companies emerge out of small business owners like Bata & Toyota. So, why is there always a pursuit of improvement at the global level among industries at […]

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