Essence of Blue Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy is helping companies to look beyond the horizon by tapping into the untapped potential of market. The generic defining principle of blue Ocean strategy is “Stop fighting by being a rival in the market, instead, instill innovation and embark on the journey of creating Blue Ocean in the form of new customers”. […]
How process improvement can save the organizations from a rainy day?
Every phenomenon in the nature is in constant state of evolution. From the shifting of weatherly times to the oceans melting, each entity is embracing the process shift in its own state. Mankind has been trying to grip these multi-dimensional processes by altering the inputs today for a better output tomorrow, creating an aroma of […]
Industrial Benchmarking: Demystified
It has been a trait of mankind to constantly seek a better way of doing things. From an ancient times to todays technological hype, no one really seems to be contented, when it comes to managing process in business industry. Amidst of massive inventions & demystified advancements, a trait following which many modern continuous improvement […]