KAIZEN:A Pursuit of Industrial Improvement

It’s no more a myth to the world, that TOYOTA has been a king in a domain of continuous process improvement. From the humble beginnings to becoming a behemoth of automobile sector in the world, all the success is attributed to the culture refining. Out of hundreds LEAN principle, let us have look today at “KAIZEN” phenomenon.


It is defined as “To improve a thing that is in bad condition”, i.e.: a process of constant hustling in terms of short projects, benefiting the profit bottom-line, and top-bottom commitment. OR “It is all about gradual improvement to overcome the system productivity gaps in a proficient manner
It basically plays an important role from defining VA production components to all the way around company’s growth .Following are the important summarization facts regarding subject,

• Production facilities embracing the phenomenon tend to follow a principle of self-evaluation (Process capability analysis).
• It instills a need to perform to pinnacle utilization point rather than believing in Bulk investment to incorporate a change within an organization.
• From top management to shop floor workers are encores to present their idea, of how to make things works better following the strategical objective of company.
• Employees get involve in quality circles, popping out many viable ideas, which can have significant impact in the long run for a company.
• One of the basic fundamental of kaizen is value of improvement i.e.: how much value is being created by a certain incremental step. VOI is given as,

Value of improvement = Effect / Money * Time

The history of Kazien is somewhat a breakthrough in the file of quality made by renowned gurus. It is one of the prominent essence of Toyota Production System which goes back to Sakichi Toyoda. Let us have a look at an explosion of TPS,cited  from takuminotie,


In an era of upcoming disruptions only those embracing a constant change can survive. As a Charles Darwin Said
“It is not the strongest of species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”.
This is a philosophy, driving the kaizen standards as follow,


Kaizen Implementation

To get started with the subject, a company must adhere to four components as follow,



• Organization refers to ensuring the continuity of developing lean culture.
• Management set the designated measures against which the progress will be measured in terms of Kaizen activities.
• Coagition refers to training the midst of employees in the light of value addition phenomenon, educating the technological reforms & making everything visual at native board.Also, the propagation of business metrics, to evaluate the targeted results achievement status, is necessary for an organization.

After following theabove listed components, four major driving sub-domains of kaizen are,



• If there is any problem, apply kaizen on the stop by getting started at once.
• Seek consult from supervisor and shop floor staff instead of wasting time in indoor mattings.
• Basic objective is to identify the gap and then focus on gaining fruits by removing the wastages. Thus, spending extra money in the process will not do the entail.
• Always welcome suggestion from other members, as two heads are better than one.


At the end, would like to throw alight over an innovation principle integration with Kaizen. If TRIZ philosophy gets merged with this onion, than a breakthrough culture can be created by an organization. Let us throw a light over innovation & Kaizen aspects terminologies,


Thus, rest lies in your hand whether you want to see your company as growing entity  or not.

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