Industrial Critical to x requirements: Demystified

In an era of rapid changing customer requirement, industrial parameters are facing cumbersome situation to adapt the prevailing norms. What seemed to be a pompous invention a decided ago, holds a little significance today. The reason is, world is facing a new disruption, in terms of technological & digitization intervention.  How come a company can track or revive its strategical objectives in terms of customer requirement. Verily, answer lies in embracing a CTX compliance phenomenon.

Walmart Founder, once, said “Customer can fire everyone in company from CEO to the lower management, just by spending money somewhere else”

CTX Requirements

The ideology behind subjected notion, where x is a variable, is simply that x is an area or areas of impact on the customer. Apart from Kano model, illustrating customer requirement in terms of statements, it urges the need to convert all of the customer expectation into a quantifiable terms, following which accountability & process metrics can be formulated.

Letups have a look at some of the important “x” classes.

Critical to Quality (CTQ)

They describe the requirement of quality in general terms but lack the specificity to be measured. Through customer defined specification, it can be converted to measureable terms

It may include lengthy, weight, size, dimensions, retype of a product I terms of manufacturing & delivery time, satisfaction rate as a service statistics.

Critical to Cost (CTC)

Customer is only going to pay for a value added activities and would n0oyt be bothering about the produces exercising behind the stage.

Cost attributes may fluctuate as per the customer requirement i.e.: If a customer wants steel box to be manufactured & B wants plastic box to be molded, than significant cost difference may be present after time of invoicing.

The famous technique “TRIZ” might come into play in this aspect.

Critical to Process (CTP)

All the variable which might impact the final output in terms if following equation might be acknowledged by the customer.

Y = f(x)

All the ‘x’ inputs which can impact our final product must be scrutiniz4d and provided by the customer including temperature, needle size, Mill setting etc. to avoid any failure at the AQL domain.

Critical to safety (CTS)

Whether it is a service provision asked by the customer like fast food or the manufactured product like leather jacket, safety just can never be compromised. If food contains expired material or final jacket is fill of tiny needles (steel parts) inside, than you will soon be vacationing out of business voyage.

Gear up the safety requirements and asked a customer for providing additional information regarding the aspects which might influence the final entity.

Another example, would be producing 15kg or 20kg package ear customer. Here, more weight will cause more back injuries. Thus, proper ergonomically factors must also be considered.


Critical to Delivery (CTQ)

It is often confused with a myth of delivering product or service too late at the customer site but most of the problems in this aspect are also associated withal phenomenon of providing a product or service too early than designated date , which m9hht result in bulk inventory compiling, in case of tangible product.

Also, proper carve must be taken with offense to entertaining customer product, if it is way too delicate to handle.

Also, care must be adopted in terms of delivery aspect.



What you need to do now is to formulate your organizationally objective or strategy in terms of Balanced scorecard and CTX requirements. To summarize a complete discussion, I would like to say that,



“A company producing quality product, with minimum cost, in a least time, will eventually become a MARKET LEADER”

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