KAIZEN:A Pursuit of Industrial Improvement

It’s no more a myth to the world, that TOYOTA has been a king in a domain of continuous process improvement. From the humble beginnings to becoming a behemoth of automobile sector in the world, all the success is attributed to the culture refining. Out of hundreds LEAN principle, let us have look today at […]

Big Data: Hike in Industrial Manufacturing

In the last two decades, many manufacturers around the world have enjoyed a surge in the profit bottom-line through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma initiatives within their systems. Although, many get benefitted with the optimization approach, but still some vacuum tend to be left in certain sectors like pharmaceuticals, mining etc. As per the […]

Balanced Scorecard: Macroscopic Organization's eyelook

Kaplan and Norton describe the innovation of the balanced scorecard as follows: “The balanced scorecard retains traditional financial measures. But financial measures tell the story of past events, an adequate story for industrial age companies for which investments in long-term capabilities and customer relationships were not critical for success. These financial measures are inadequate, however, […]

Embracing The Future Of Smart Technology

  SMART is a world which has taken the world by storm. From Smart homes to the smart cities, in near future, we will be witnessing the prevailing of SMART TECHNOLOGY, GLOBALLY.  

Agriculture: A Futuristic Insight

The word agriculture comes from the Latin word “ager = soil” & “cultura =cultivation”. Agriculture can be defined as “The cultivation and/or production of crop plants or livestock products.”It plays a critical role in economy of any country, by being a backbone of its economic system. In addition to providing food and raw material, agriculture also […]

Industrial Engineering: A Drive towards Excellence

The trend of the engineering world is shifting at a great paradigm. Everything is losing its basic preliminary value and is being customized on the road of betterment. Now, such innovation is led by curiosity, which has been an inborn trait of humans. To name a systematic approach of following a continuous improvement, I would […]

Finding an Optimization Project

The major setback which is faced by industries is in the form of dilemma, deciding which project must be of utmost optimization attention.Such issues create a sense of confusion and often leads to a thinking that LSS is just a myth which cannot be implemented in a real time scenario. One must be aware of […]

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