How to get started with business metrics utilization?

Analyzing business metrics is pertinent to studying car dashboard, in a stormy weather. One needs to be aware of car’s fuel light, tire’s deterioration rate, engine maintenance, aesthetics, comfortable interior etc. When all the anticipated standards are met, than one feel cozy in taking a car for a long ride. Similarly, in business one must […]
Why benchmarking is a Turkish coffee for Pakistan industries?

Business benchmarking and essence of Turkish coffee have very much in common. It is written in the golden books of history that when Turkish coffee was embraced by Ottoman Empire than chaos broke out. By enabling the establishment of cafes throughout an empire. Emperor provided an opportunity to rebels and revolutionary minds to be on […]
Where Pakistan Leather Industry stands amidst CPEC project ?
Amidst of the CPEC project hype in Pakistan, measures are in a row to analyse the LEATHER industry future stature in the subjected country. Indeed it will give birth to the spectacular competition among the associated countries, following collaborative industrial benchmarks. Long gone are the days, when the customer had a tolerance level regarding quality […]
How to Revive Pakistan's Textile Industry amidst CPEC?
Pakistan is in the limelight these days due to the advancement in development of CPEC, which is being perceived as a catalyst in the revival of countrys economic stature. CPEC is surely a blessing in a disguise for the country which faced a major setbacks in terms of export depreciation and unanticipated terrorism. Though, looking at […]
How Healthcare Sector can enhance customer satisfaction with LEAN Six Sigma?
World is changing. From industrial manufacturing to the top notch healthcare service providers, everyone is striving to satisfy its end customers needs in a best possible manner. According to the recent survey,in USA, petition has been filed to deploy the LEAN principles following the Strong Big data analysis in all government & public sectors for […]
TRIZ: Curvy thinking paradigm for problem solving
The metamorphosed environment of todays industrial world has made it clear, that , only an organization or individual adaptable to changes, willing to transform the processes as per global metrics can withstand the envisioning era of disruption. Many global giants are on their way to become a bigger behemoth while the other medium enterprises are […]
Getting started with Benchmarking types: Demystified
In our last post regarding benchmarking, a generic light is shed over the subjected terminology. Now, let us cast an eye over the generic types involved in a subject. There may be a multiple number of benchmarking notions, but here we will focus over the major shots. Internal Benchmarking It allows organizations to do scrutinize […]
Industrial Benchmarking: Demystified
It has been a trait of mankind to constantly seek a better way of doing things. From an ancient times to todays technological hype, no one really seems to be contented, when it comes to managing process in business industry. Amidst of massive inventions & demystified advancements, a trait following which many modern continuous improvement […]
Industrial Critical to x requirements: Demystified
In an era of rapid changing customer requirement, industrial parameters are facing cumbersome situation to adapt the prevailing norms. What seemed to be a pompous invention a decided ago, holds a little significance today. The reason is, world is facing a new disruption, in terms of technological & digitization intervention. How come a company can […]
Data Types & Measurement Scales
Data Data is a sophisticated & factual base behind any information, without which no theory or prediction can hold any significant value. Example Global warming is increasing per year. (Vague information) Global warming is increasing at 0.25% rate per year. (Factual thing) Thus, data is a base of everything, as Albert Einstein beautifully crafted it […]